He has combined two branches. Firstly, design and artistic direction at the Atelier Laia –Factory of Perplexities– and secondly, teaching and artistic work at the following schools: Iruñea-Pamplona School of Architecture (2nd and 3rd levels in advanced design); School of Architecture in Donostia-San Sebastian (Master’s in Design Consulting of Gastronomic Spaces. Workshop on assembly hall and object design); Faculty of Fine Arts in Bilbao (Master’s in Ceramics: Art and Function).
In 2008 he was awarded the Sphere prize by the Art Director Club NY for the work done at the Mugaritz restaurant right from the start. He is also the director of the Tabula publishing house that focusses on spreading culture and gastronomy.

Jon Ander
Alonso Unanue
He began his studies at AET-TAE in Donostia and completed his training at the École de Théâtre Serge Martin, in Geneva. In recent years he has participated in clown, performance, masks and contemporary dance workshops.
He has worked in Euskal Herria, France and Switzerland. As an actor, in addition to participating in several productions from the Company Ze Onda, he has taken part in projects of the collective Hecho en Casa, or in productions of the companies Théâtre Spirale, Théâtre Ecart or Atelier Sphinx, based in Geneva. Previously, he participated in the collective creations of the plays Mikrouhina and Itsasoari negar.
Heriotza Bikoitza (Doble Malta) is his latest work as a director, and Tempus Fugit, from the Company Ze Onda, his latest work as an actor.
His work in film and television includes Ihesaldia (Jabi Elortegi), Handia (Jon Garaño & Aitor Arregi) and Errementari (Paul Urkijo).

She attended the Drama School of Donostia-San Sebastian (1989). Since then she has worked in a host of fields. She set up HIKA Teatroa together with Agurtzane Intxaurraga. She worked with the company for 17 years. After that, she worked with various groups: Ados Teatroa, Txalo productions and Vaiven productions, among others.
Over the last five years she has been collaborating non-stop with HIKA; as an actor, assistant director or participating in the creative processes of various projects.
She has also worked as a drama teacher. She currently offers acting lessons at the Biteri Arts Centre in Hernani. She has a rich career in the audio-visual sphere. They include: The Agur Etxebeste feature film (Irusoin, Kilima, La Fidele. 2019) and the Altsasu TV series (ETB 2020).

A computer scientist by profession, she has devoted 20 years of her professional career to this work in the Basque business and industrial world.
In 2016 she moved to the social sphere and coordinated the Gehitu [Basque LGTBI] association for 4 years at its headquarters in Donostia-San Sebastian.
That is where, thanks to the Teatro con Orgullo (Theatre with Pride) project she was working on, she came into contact with the world of theatre, which she adores; that way, she got to know Hika Teatroa and produced the work Käffka, created and directed by the Kamikaz Kolektiboa.
In 2020 she collaborated with Mugen Gainetik coordinating development projects in El Salvador and Guatemala. She combines this work with the distribution of the Esnatu naiz cabaret by Andoni Mutiloa, among other projects.
Right now, she continues to collaborate freelance in various cultural, technological and social projects, integrating the three spheres where possible, while doing communication studies at the UOC (Open University of Catalonia).

Since I was a child I have always been linked to drawing and art. From the age of 20 I projected this interest in the field of graphic design.
I’ve been working for more than 20 years in different advertising agencies and design studios in general, specializing in web development always from an aesthetic perspective.