
Life is a tonbola and we will turn yours upside down. We don’t care who you are, what you are, or even what you want to be.

Let this TOMBOLA decide on your behalf!

We wanted to talk about Europe. About Europe’s borders and territories. We wanted to talk about freedom, human movements, migrations, empathy, solidarity, etc.

Who would have told us then that doubt could be cast on the truth of those words?

Cést fini la tonterie!

“Coas armas do cabaré –diatriba política, danza erótica, canción disolvente…–a compañía enlaza o grave co lixeiro, a música co panfleto e o serio co caricaturesco. Non trata de subliñar a traxedia, senón de suxerir que a realidade é máis cínica que o animador dunha barraca de feira. O espectáculo transmite una atractiva tensión entre o político e o popular e a irrupción da realidade, coa aparición de verdadeiros inmigrantes cara ao final da obra, constrúe exclusivamente coa súa presenza un incontestable alegado a favor da diversidade.”

Manuel Xestoso (El Faro de Vigo)


A POETIC CABARET that knows no borders. A combination between humour and nonconformity, the absurd and raw realism.

Artistic line-up

Author: Agurtzane Intxaurraga’s dramaturgy based on the actors’ improvisations.
Scripts: Agurtzane Intxaurraga, Benjamín Jiménez.
Actors: Eneko Gil, Miren Gojenola, Iñigo Aranburu/Jon Ander Alonso, Sandra Fdez. Agirre/ Maryse Urruty.
Special collaboration: Ellach Elhadi, Trekya Ment Gremich, Hector Gonzalez Moreno, Roberto Tananta Awanari, Nacer Eddine Bounezra, Ninetu Embarec Lehbib.
Director: Agurtzane Intxaurraga.
Assistant director: Jon Ander Alonso.
Music: Iñaki Dieguez (original music), Bill Martin & Phil Coulter (Congratulations), María José de Ceratto & Aniano Alcalde (Vivo cantando), Toni Ten & Xasqui Ten (Europe´s living a celebration); Manuel de la Calva & Ramón Arcusa (Voulez vous dancer avec moi).
Choreography: Eneko Gil.
Costume design and production: Nahia Salaberria
Puppets: Urko Redondo-Pescador.
Stage design and construction: Oscar de Paz.
Graphic design: Santos Bregaña.
Photography: Dani Blanco.
Promotional videos: Acrónica Producciones and Pausa Digital.
Technical team: Eraginstac.
Administration: Asun Etxeberria.
Communications officer: Teresa Sala.
Distribution: HIKA Teatroa (Agurtzane Intxaurraga & Teresa Sala).