
Best street show

Best musical composition

Best choreography

Best production work

Dance Theatre in artistic co-production
with the Oinkari Dantza Taldea.

A YOUNG show, produced with young people, which talks about youth and is geared towards the general public.

GAZTE is grounded in the rhythms and movements of traditional Basque dance, but we have created our own language in which movement, contemporary dance and other types of modern dance are also combined, leaving space for voice and text as well.

In terms of sound, without shying away from the rhythms of Basque folklore, we delve into electronic atmospheres accentuating the Hip-Hop culture.

Filling our squares with Dance is a beautiful way of bringing dance closer to people and breathing life into our streets.

Artistic line-up

Directing and Stage Drama: Agurtzane Intxaurraga
Choreography: Eneko Gil
Texts: Agurtzane Intxaurraga (inspired by the dancers’ testimonies)
Dancers: Lierni Kamio, Aiora Escudero, Fermin Escudero, Gorka Duran, Amaia Aizpurua, Beñat Monfort, Izaskun Aizpurua, Aimar Garaiar /Beñat Urrutia, Lide Bengoetxea/ Izar Aizpuru.
On-stage collaboration: Eneko Gil, Agurtzane Intxaurraga
Original music: Zigor Lampre (D.J Zigor), Eneko Dieguez (saxophone), Iñaki Dieguez (Atabala number).
Live music: DJ Martin Little/ Zigor D.J,  Eneko Dieguez, Agurtzane Intxaurraga.
Voice: Janire Egaña and Itziar Ituño (Atzo goizen goiz and  Aita San Migel banangoa, from the disc Akorde naz).
Wardrobe: Xabier Mujika
Graphic design: Santos Bregaña. Laia
Promotional videos
Recording: Imanol Gurrutxaga, Nagore Muriel, Markel Sorarrain
Editing: Imanol Gurrutxaga and Nagore Muriel
Promotional photos: Egoitz Bengoetxea “Otxabi” & Pepo
Technicians: Iker Ugalde, Julen de La Iglesia
Executive production: Hika Teatroa
Communication: Nagore Martínez
Administration: Asun Etxeberria
Distribution. Hika Teatroa (633252200/ 656792501)